
Seeking Sage

“So…he is a character in your novel?” she asks as we walk up towards his tiny house. A familiar anticipatory silence unfurls itself softly along the mountain path.

“He is the inspiration,” I say quietly and think about the enormous and old Himalayan cedar that shades his slate roof. I often imagine when he is no more, he will exist as this majestic tree and I will continue to visit, to rest my back against the sturdy and immortal trunk, inhale its fragrance and close my eyes. “For more than thirty years I lost contact with him, he was by my side all along, but I only realized it when I found him again,” I attempt to explain.

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Read a chapter of the novel Like Two Rivers, Chapter 0. The Source

Chapter 0. The Source. In this first chapter we meet the Himalayan hermit Babaji, seen through the eyes of Gabriel, an overwhelmed young traveler.

It was spring and a cold, ceaseless rain fell for three days, melting away the remains of the snow that also surrounded the temple and the pool by the hot spring. Throughout the winter, Babaji had, with a pick axe, fought against the might of the elements. Everyone else had taken shelter below, in the villages of the narrow valley. But not Babaji. In solitude, he had watched the slow spirals of the falling snow and his mind settle.

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